Hopeful that the snow from 2 days ago would be fresh enough to give good ski conditions, john and i head up the aiguille du midi to ski the petite envers and down the vallee blanche.
From the first turn it was clear the snow had been effected by the sun and wind making some hard and crusty areas, making skiing challenging. Poor snow coupled with low din settings meant I was falling every few turns, proper falls aswell, like head first feet sticking in the air. With such alot of snow it also made finding my skiis difficult buried under 2ft of powder. John found all this very amusing, I just hope he was too late with the camera to get any footage.
It was a beautiful day, sun shining cold and crisp. The route down was varied and interesting weaving through crevasse fields, down gullies and on to the valle Blanche and back to montenvers.
After a quick bite to eat we bought a pass for the mb tunnel and drove to coumayeur to meet my bro and continue the skiing.

I love places where you get food with your beer, most of the bars in Courmayeur offer this, what a great incentive to carry on eating and drinking.